Fulvic Acid for Acid Reflux
In my early thirties (I’m now 58), I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux which caused burning in my stomach, heartburn, and bouts with acid flowing from my stomach into my esophagus. As you can imagine this was very painful and unpleasant. I had to sleep with the head of my bed raised, could not eat late, and unable to eat anything that was spicy; so much for the Friday night pizza party. Because I was not willing to change my eating and drinking habits I ended up on daily prescription medication to help control the flair ups.
After taking the medication for many years I decided to completely change my eating and drinking habits so I could get off the medication. This is great if you like eating baby food and enduring the nickname “velvet mouth” but, I was not having many flair ups.
I had heard that Fulvic and Humic acid might help with Acid Reflux so I decided I would give it a try; and started taking Nature’s Fulvic supplement capsules about three months ago. After about a month I started introducing foods that I have been staying away from, to see if the Nature’s Fulvic supplements were helping. Low and behold they did. I can now eat Pizza and have a beer without any after effects. I can have spicy foods, eat later if I so desire, although not too late, and have a glass of wine with dinner without worrying about “Acid Reflux”.
Two capsules are all it takes. I just wonder, if the Nature’s Fulvic supplement helps with Acid Reflux, what other good results could come from taking the supplements for a longer period of time. I highly recommend it to everyone!
Greg T.
Dallas, Texas
I’ve lived with severe Acid Reflux for over 25 years; so severe that food would lodge in my throat, causing panic. I tried every prescription and over the counter remedies to no avail; that is until I tried Nature’s Fulvic. I took one capsule per day and started noticing relief within a few days, and within 30 days my acid reflux was totally gone, as was the episodes of food getting lodged. I can eat all my favorite dishes, including meat, spaghetti and Mexican food. I’ve also experienced relief from my arthritis; a wonderfully unexpected bonus.
Peggy P.
Jay, Oklahoma
Fulvic Testimonials:
· Fulvic Acid for Immunity
· Fulvic Acid for Energy
· Fulvic for Acid Reflux
· Fulvic Acid for Dermatitis
· Fulvic Acid for Eczema
· Fulvic Acid for Ulcers
· Fulvic Acid for Arthritis
· Fulvic for Muscle Pain
· Fulvic for Joint Pain
· Fulvic for Genital Herpes
· Fulvic Acid for Tendonitis