What is Living Clay?
Clay for Anti-Aging Health
It has been called ‘the living clay’ because it brings the body into balance. The benefits of living clay are its ability to detox the body. Every cell in our body excretes waste material which becomes toxic and poisonous to our bodies if we allow it to build up faster than we renew the fluid in which it floats. The fact is, every 7 years we have a completely new set of bones, teeth, skin and hair.
Logically, a person should be able to look and feel better than they did 7 years ago by changing and improving the way they take care of their own body. Time alone is not a disease or poison, it is the toxins that accumulate with time that the body cannot withstand and so deteriorates from. In other words, time alone is not the cause of death. Poisons are the cause of death of life forms. So, logically by detoxifying your cells a person can freshen up and grow healthier and younger than they once were by practicing this principle.
The most common symptom of autointoxication (self-poisoning caused by endogenous microorganisms, metabolic wastes, or other toxins produced within the body) is mental dullness and fatigue. Other common symptoms are headache, constipation, diarrhea, colds, general aches and pains, particularly up and down the spine and especially in the low back, skin problems, common infections (due to lowered immuno-competence), morning sluggishness, gas, bad breath, foul-smelling stool, allergies, intolerance to fatty foods, premenstrual tension, breast soreness and tendency to repeated vaginal infections. The good news is detoxification can relieve these symptoms!
Clays have been used for health and healing long before the Romans by early generations who realized the health benefits of clay.
THE CLAY AT WORK: The clay’s immediate action upon the body is directly on the digestive channel. This involves the clay actually binding with the toxic substances and removing them from the body with the stool. It performs this job with every kind of toxin, including those from the environment, such as heavy metals, and those that occur naturally as by-products of the body’s own health processes, such as metabolic toxins. It’s hard to believe that the body produces its own toxins, but that may happen as a result of stress, inefficient metabolism, or the proliferation of free radicals.
The body has no problem ridding itself of the clay. The clay assists the body’s eliminatory process by acting as a bulking agent, similar to psyllium fiber, sweeping out the old matter that doesn’t need to be there. It is not digested in the same manner as food as it passes through the alimentary canal. Instead, it stimulates intestinal peristalsis, the muscular contractions that move food and stool through the bowels. The clay and the adsorbed toxins are both eliminated together; this keeps the toxins from being reabsorbed into the bloodstream. Clay works on the entire organism. The healing energies of clay reach the whole body.
Beneficial Results:
- Acid indigestion/Acid Reflux
- Allergies/Hay fever
- Celiac’s Disease
- Constipation
- Diarrhea/Dysentery
- Diverticulitis
- De-Toxification
- Food Poisoning
- H-Pylori
- Hiatel Hernia
- Gout
- Chrohn’s Disease
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Parasites
- Roto Virus
- Stomach aches
- Ulcers
Fulvic Gold Health products and our Happy Plant agricultural products are made from the world’s only Fulvic, Humic and natural clay deposits mined in the High Mountain in the Wasatch Mountain range of Central Utah.