Fulvic Acid Supplements Help Many Diseases
Fulvic Acid has been defined by scientists as the “miracle molecule” that plays an important role in every single bodily function – including immunity. Yet only very recently have Fulvic Acid Supplements become available.
Why Take Fulvic Acid Supplements?
Fulvic Acid penetrates the body’s cells, transporting and delivering the minerals and nutrients necessary for everything from digestion, to immunity, to organ function. Prior to the Twentieth Century, Fulvic Acid was found in the necessary amounts in the grains, fruits, and vegetables that humans ate. But today – because of over-farmed depleted soil, fertilizers & pesticides – foods is dramatically deficient in essential Fulvic Acid & necessary minerals. It is this nutritional deficiency that is at the root of many illnesses, diseases and medical conditions facing Americans.
Scientific studies have proven that supplying the body with missing Fulvic Acid can help the body recover from almost any illnesses, medical problem or chronic ailment.
Listed below are several medical conditions that can be assisted by taking Fulvic Acid Supplements.
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Fulvic Acid Supplements
For Cancer
Recent scientific studies have recognized antioxidants as beneficial in cancer treatment and prevention. These studies have shown that certain “super antioxidants” work to obstruct the signaling protein pathways that spread cancer. These protein inhibiting antioxidants block the signals that allow adjacent cells to become cancerous, neutralizing the spread of cancer – as well as preventing cancer in the first place.
Humates, Humic & Fulvic Acid, (all contained in Nature’s Fulvic Supplements) are nature’s most powerful antioxidants. It is thought that components of the humic and fulvic acids attach to the protein receptor sites on the cancer. This prevents the cancer from reproducing and spreading cancerous DNA and RNA from the host cell. Since the cancer cannot reproduce, it does not spread as rapidly and may even quickly die out.
In clinical tests humic acid has had proven therapeutic effects on cervical cancer, and has shown growth inhibition on leukemia HL-60 cells. Many customers have also reported a beneficial effect on other types of cancer treatments through use of Fulvic Acid Supplements.
And since Fulvic Acid supplements are made from 100% natural plant-based sources, they are side-effect free and should not interfere with any cancer drugs or treatments. (Always consult your physician before taking any supplement if you are being treated for cancer.)
Fulvic Acid Supplements
For Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis results from the immune system attacking the lining of the person’s own joints – resulting in inflammation, swelling and pain. Sadly, Rheumatoid Arthritis affects the entire body and is a chronic, progressive, painful and disabling autoimmune disease.
Recently, in The Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, doctors reported that people with rheumatoid arthritis were found to have lower levels of common antioxidants in their blood – often for years before the arthritis is diagnosed. These studies have not determined if the lower level of antioxidants is the cause of, or simply something that affects, the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis. But either way, an antioxidant deficiency plays a role in the development of the disease.
However, fulvic acid – when administered in a supplement – is proven to regulate the immune system, and to work as a potent antioxidant & anti-inflammatory agent. Fulvic acid supplements have been shown to relieve joint swelling. Additionally, Fulvic acid been shown to bond to the body’s collagen fibers to aid in repair of damaged tendons & bone. In fact, tendon strength has been shown to increase by as much as 75% in people taking Fulvic Acid Supplements!
And since Fulvic Acid supplements are made from 100% natural plant-based sources, they should not interfere with any Rheumatoid Arthritis drugs. (Always consult your physician before taking any supplement if you are being treated for Rheumatoid Arthritis.)